Sunday, 10 April 2011

The Government Won't Explode

Well, not for another week at least. Much tension has been created by the inability of politicians to decide on how the U.S. budget will be determined; people were worried they were gonna lose their jobs and who knows what else. In reality, a government shutdown isn't a big deal for most people, but for many of those with jobs in important public sector services such as caring for national parks, having a paycheck delayed even for a few days can make every day life extremely frustrating. Not being able to pay the mortgage, buy groceries or pay other bills would be devastating, but fortunately an extenstion was placed on the issue and hopefully a resolution will be found soon. Most people weren't even sure what exactly a "government shutdown" meant and it was definitely blown out of proportion by the media, I'm here to tell you not to worry because the government has your best interest at heart and you shouldn't worry :)

Just kidding, don't trust anyone... no seriously, don't!


  1. hm sounds like shit gonna hit the fan soon

  2. it's just a matter of time that even government of USA gonna collapse. no one want this cause this will say 'any country can feel secure now'. but it gonna happen in next few years

  3. so true....that's why the revaluation should start

  4. true most people wont be affected but they should still pay the troops for fighting overseas! not fair that they are risking there lives and not even getting a paycheck.

  5. Hope this gets cleared up soon.

  6. Haha, I knew this wasn't going to happen. They wouldn't dare.

  7. I just don't like the direction the government is going, regardless of party

  8. almost everything gets blown out of proportion by the media

  9. Man politics always bums me out when i think about it.

  10. Always good to know that the people with the money can still withhold it from the people without, been happening since the beginning of time...if it stops happening around you then you're probably asleep.

  11. I sooo trust a government that routinely calls in invasive and unconstitutional laws . . .

  12. It's like they can see into our brains! Even if they do explode we wouldn't know about until it's too late...

  13. + followed! For having an awesome blog, very well written.

    P.s. I hope if there is a meltdown, zombies need to be involved.

    Keep up the great work! Come check out my fishes blog if you get some extra time.

  14. And then the goverment goes BOOM. I honestly can't imagine a goverment shutting down because of money issues.

  15. Blah, when we will hear some optimistic?

  16. Yeah the goverment will collapse pretty soon if they keep going like they are right now. Most likley will they find a new system that works better in the future.

  17. My question is, during the federal government downtime, will any general services regulated by the government such as water and natural gas go out?

  18. Until people are going hungry we wont see people rising up.

  19. Well whatever is in the future we know something will happen!

  20. I wonder what kind of agreement they're going to come to in a week...

  21. On second thought... Let it crumble.......
